1.1 Vision, Mission, and Values Course Kit


A motivated and engaged workforce begins with people working together who collectively understand where the team is headed, what needs to be accomplished, and what behaviors are acceptable and expected. In fancy, organizational-level terms, these are:

Vision - The desired future state. Where the organization wants to be/do in the future.

Mission - The overall function of the organization. What the organization is attempting to accomplish.

Values - Guiding principles and behaviors that embody how the organization and its people are expected to operate.

People who understand the “big-picture” are more likely to be engaged and motivated to accomplish the (sometimes mundane) daily tasks. People are able to contextualize daily work in the larger picture for themselves and others are demonstrating important leadership skills.

This course kit provides instructors a unique opportunity to teach how to translate the direction of the project/team/organization so that each team member knows how what they do contributes to the larger organization’s success (Vision & Mission). It explores how to use personal/organizational Values to guide activities and give and receive feedback.

This course kit is for instructors who want to deliver instructor-led training either in-person or virtually.

Your purchase includes digital download of:

  1. Customizable Powerpoint Presentation Slide Deck (*.ppt)

  2. Instructor Manual (*.pdf)

  3. Participant Manual: Your purchase includes 2 versions of the participant manual. One is a file containing a *.pdf designed for printing and hard copy distribution. The other, is a pdf form in which participants can electronically complete all course exercises. No matter the version you choose to use, you have unlimited access to distributing and/or printing these pdf’s. )

  4. Instruction Schedule (*.xls)

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A motivated and engaged workforce begins with people working together who collectively understand where the team is headed, what needs to be accomplished, and what behaviors are acceptable and expected. In fancy, organizational-level terms, these are:

Vision - The desired future state. Where the organization wants to be/do in the future.

Mission - The overall function of the organization. What the organization is attempting to accomplish.

Values - Guiding principles and behaviors that embody how the organization and its people are expected to operate.

People who understand the “big-picture” are more likely to be engaged and motivated to accomplish the (sometimes mundane) daily tasks. People are able to contextualize daily work in the larger picture for themselves and others are demonstrating important leadership skills.

This course kit provides instructors a unique opportunity to teach how to translate the direction of the project/team/organization so that each team member knows how what they do contributes to the larger organization’s success (Vision & Mission). It explores how to use personal/organizational Values to guide activities and give and receive feedback.

This course kit is for instructors who want to deliver instructor-led training either in-person or virtually.

Your purchase includes digital download of:

  1. Customizable Powerpoint Presentation Slide Deck (*.ppt)

  2. Instructor Manual (*.pdf)

  3. Participant Manual: Your purchase includes 2 versions of the participant manual. One is a file containing a *.pdf designed for printing and hard copy distribution. The other, is a pdf form in which participants can electronically complete all course exercises. No matter the version you choose to use, you have unlimited access to distributing and/or printing these pdf’s. )

  4. Instruction Schedule (*.xls)

A motivated and engaged workforce begins with people working together who collectively understand where the team is headed, what needs to be accomplished, and what behaviors are acceptable and expected. In fancy, organizational-level terms, these are:

Vision - The desired future state. Where the organization wants to be/do in the future.

Mission - The overall function of the organization. What the organization is attempting to accomplish.

Values - Guiding principles and behaviors that embody how the organization and its people are expected to operate.

People who understand the “big-picture” are more likely to be engaged and motivated to accomplish the (sometimes mundane) daily tasks. People are able to contextualize daily work in the larger picture for themselves and others are demonstrating important leadership skills.

This course kit provides instructors a unique opportunity to teach how to translate the direction of the project/team/organization so that each team member knows how what they do contributes to the larger organization’s success (Vision & Mission). It explores how to use personal/organizational Values to guide activities and give and receive feedback.

This course kit is for instructors who want to deliver instructor-led training either in-person or virtually.

Your purchase includes digital download of:

  1. Customizable Powerpoint Presentation Slide Deck (*.ppt)

  2. Instructor Manual (*.pdf)

  3. Participant Manual: Your purchase includes 2 versions of the participant manual. One is a file containing a *.pdf designed for printing and hard copy distribution. The other, is a pdf form in which participants can electronically complete all course exercises. No matter the version you choose to use, you have unlimited access to distributing and/or printing these pdf’s. )

  4. Instruction Schedule (*.xls)

Are you looking to enhance your leadership development program and safeguard your organization's culture? Look no further! Introducing our transformative course designed to build individuals who understand the significance of vision, mission, and values (VMV) at a personal level. By using this instructor kit to integrate training for individual vision, mission, and values into your overall leadership development program, your people will be equipped with essential tools to thrive within your organization's VMV framework.

Understanding an organization's vision, mission, and values is crucial for individuals to align their goals and actions effectively. This course goes beyond the surface level, delving into the core of VMV comprehension at a personal level. Participants will gain invaluable insights into how to align their personal VMV with the broader organizational VMV, fostering a stronger sense of purpose and commitment.

One of the key benefits of this course is its ability to protect your organization's culture. By instilling a deep understanding of VMV, individuals become more cognizant of the importance of preserving the culture that sets your organization apart. With this newfound knowledge, they will actively contribute to maintaining and promoting the values that define your organizational identity.

This course acts as a powerful catalyst for building engagement within your team. Participants will learn how to craft and articulate their personal VMV effectively, enabling them to inspire and engage their colleagues. By equipping your people with the skills to eloquently express their values, you create an environment that encourages open dialogue, collaboration, and shared purpose.

Our course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a range of topics, including understanding the components of vision, mission, and values. Through interactive exercises, participants will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to apply VMV principles within their daily work lives.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations must proactively cultivate a strong culture and engaged workforce. By integrating this course into your leadership development program, you can fortify your organizational culture and empower your team members to become true champions of your vision, mission, and values.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your team's growth and ensure long-term success. Download our VMV instructor kit today and spark the positive impacts on your organization's culture, engagement levels, and overall performance.

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